viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Perceptions<>Neurons<>Elementary Particles<> Unconsciousness

Unconsciousness and the nerve system, both operated by elementary particles[1],, gather information through life by signifiers and their networks. They also gather information from diverse body experiences. This is the structure that, if necessary sets the gathered information in action. This structure is sensitive to the psychic symptom which imprints in the central nervous system and in the autonomic nervous system, both in and from the unconsciousness.
Therefore, it also imprints in organs, muscles, bones and joints. The psychic symptom informs that something is sliding off in the subject. That means that something will not be imprinted which leads the nervous system and language to fix it by using all the information gathered from nervous memory, muscular memory, organs and body orifices and consequential molecular endowments. It happens in the shape of a conjunction/disjunction and lower/higher scheme. Weather it imprints or it does make a significant difference.  Ever since the end of the XX century there has been a new and different development in Neurobiology and Quantum Physics, which have unfolded in the last decade.

Epistemological challenge. I aim to intertwine very different scientific practices, which use different investigation methods and instruments, even though they study parts of the same object, the human being, with different goals. They differ in statistics criteria, theorization and experience and data collection. Even human beings may differ from one another in their genetics, sex (male and female), life stage, status and culture. Nevertheless, they all share similar basic structures.

Teamwork is challenged by methodological differences. Psychoanalytical knowledge has been developed by the hearing of millions of singular stories, filled with stories of previous generations and build in the context of parents and siblings conflict. Context tints the subject’s conflicts that bring him or her to therapy. Conversations show us how the subject reacted to those conflicts and how he or her built those stories as their own. That is why we listen to stories as myths. It not only what they remember but how they remember it. Therapist intervention, from sustained neutrality in conflict with its own interest, desires and joy habits, intends to modify joy habits and modality that may block the patient’s articulation with its own unconscious desires, which tend to be the most promising for a better living. This happens until the patient decides to end therapy and move on with its life, without the therapist’s company, but willing to use the tools acquired to continue to analyze it by his own. This is very important. I pay special attention to how the patient reacts in his home, outside the office. When a patient tells “the other day something happened. This other thing happened as well. I realized it what because of this other thing” you can tell whether there have been changes or not and the direction they are heading to.

Biology is concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their origination, evolution and properties: genesis, nutrition, morphology, reproduction, pathogeny, etc. It studies the structure and functions that are common to all living organisms, in order to set general laws under which these phenomena occur. All organisms perpetuate their hereditary characteristics in their genetic material, based on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in a universal genetic code.

Something similar happens with slang and languages. There is a similar structure, but slangs have particularities. Even more, each speaker has a “lalengua”[2] with singularities that communicate from structure identity. Misunderstandings occur because there is no common slang to all human being. Additionally, they are all missing a term to absolutely define the unknown – Real – when it appears.

The article “The discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules inside neurons backs up controverted theory of consciousness” by Eduardo J. Carletti, published in the Science Daily, says: “Our new document updates the evidence. It is clear that quantum bits Orch OR, o  ‘qubits’[3], as helical paths[4] (this format is similar to DNA in SR neurons)[5] in the microtubules lattices refutes criticism and looks over 20 ascertainable predictions about Orch O published in 1998. Of all of them, six are confirmed and none of them is disproved”. (I was surprised to find that “qubits” were indicated as helical paths because therefore they have, like authors suggest, a similar format to neuron DNA.¿Is this coincidence or is it adaptive interdependence? Let’s remember what we mentioned earlier: helical structure is the one that holds and knits genes. [6]. In a way, it is similar to the structure of SR discourse). The same article quotes Stuart Hameroff and  Sir Roger Penrose: “… the lab work from Roderick G. Eckenhoff, MD at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests that anesthesia, which selectively erases consciousness without affecting non conscious brain activity, acts through microtubules in brain neurons.” Adding: “This opens a potential Pandora Box, but our theory covers both points of view, which suggests that consciousness comes from quantum vibrations in microtubules[7], protein polymers inside the brain neurons that rule both neuronal and synaptic functions and connect brain processes and minimum scale self-organization processes, also known as the quantum structure proto-conscious “of reality”. (Even tough they do not use the concept of “Unconciousness”, they make reference to it when they say “proto[8]-conscious” of reality quantum structure. Unconsciousness is built in and from the molecular-neuronal articulation.

Like experimental investigations suggest, if we assume that this is where we find Factory Bridges (made of thoughts and inventions caused by desire and yoy practices) it would mean that quantum vibrations in the microtubules and protein polymers – microtubules – inside brain neurons are responsible for neuronal and synaptic functions. This means they connect brain processes with minimum scale self-organization processes. To sum up, that would be the unconscious quantum neuronal structure of signifiers and acts. SR)[9]

Chromosomes. We know that DNA, a fundamental substance in diffuse chromatic material (that is what we find in repose cells) is shaped in cylindrical structures called chromosomes. DNA cells are responsible for structural and metabolic characteristics as well as the transmission of those characteristics from one cell to another. These units are called genes and are lined up along the chromosomes. There are similarities between DNA chains, speech chains and articulation and lack of articulation between phylogeny and ontogeny chains. Genes are so important because they receive language and culture and build the conditions so that they can make an impact in the Central Nervous System.
A gene is a piece of DNA that encodes a protein or peptide.
Like we mentioned earlier, there are similarities between DNA images and how we build speech and signifiers chains. If we take a look at speeches, sometimes they have combinations, entanglements, breaks and misunderstandings. If we sketch speeches, just like Ferdinand  Saussure did, we would draw something similar to this: . This evokes infinity. Consequently, DNA and speeches operate on and in neuronal membrane. They create a network through axons, dendrites and spicules, like the Hammer and Penrose image suggest.

Phylogeny. It is the study of evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms. Phylogenetic analysis compares DNA sequences and proteins and fossil and paleontological remains. Phylogenetic trees are based on ribonucleic acid (RNA). How do we go from genes that are common to the particularization of tongues and languages? More specifically, how do we get to the lalengua of each person?
The linguistic genius of babies is TED Talk featuring Patricia Kuhl, an American psychologist.
It says: “What have we learned? That  babies around the world are what we call “citizens of the world”. They can discriminate all the sounds of all languages, no matter what country we're testing and what language we're using, and that's remarkable because you and I can't do that. We're culture-bound listeners. We can discriminate the sounds of our own language, but not those of foreign languages. So the question arises: when do those citizens of the world turn into the language-bound listeners that we are? And the answer: before their first birthdays.(…) During the production of speech, when babies listen, what they're doing is taking statistics on the language that they hear. And those distributions grow. And what we've learned is that babies are sensitive to the statistics and the statistics of Japanese and English are very, very different. English has a lot of Rs and Ls. The distribution shows. And the distribution of Japanese is totally different, where we see a group of intermediate sounds, which is known as the Japanese "R." So babies absorb the statistics of the language and it changes their brains; it changes them from the citizens of the world to the culture-bound listeners that we are. But we as adults are no longer absorbing those statistics. We're governed by the representations in memory that were formed early in development. So what we're seeing here is changing our models of what the critical period is about. We're arguing from a mathematical standpoint that the learning of language material may slow down when our distributions stabilize.
It's raising lots of questions about bilingual people. Bilinguals must keep two sets of statistics in mind at once and flip between them, one after the other, depending on who they're speaking to. So we asked ourselves, can the babies take statistics on a brand new language? And we tested this by exposing American babies who'd never heard a second language to Mandarin for the first time during the critical period. We knew that, when monolinguals were tested n Taipei and Seattle on the Mandarin sounds, they showed the same pattern. Six to eight months, they're totally equivalent. Two months later, something incredible happens. But the Taiwanese babies are getting better, not the American babies. What we did was expose American babies during this period to Mandarin. It was like having Mandarin relatives come and visit for a month and move into your house and talk to the babies for 12 sessions. (…) So what have we done to their little brains? We had to run a control group to make sure that just coming into the laboratory didn't improve your Mandarin skills. So a group of babies came in and listened to English. And we can see from the graph that exposure to English didn't improve their Mandarin. But look at what happened to the babies exposed to Mandarin for 12 sessions. They were as good as the babies in Taiwan who'd been listening for 10-and-a-half months. What it demonstrated is that babies take statistics on a new language. Whatever you put in front of them, they'll take statistics on.
But we wondered what role the human being played in this learning exercise. So we ran another group of babies in which the kids got the same dosage, the same 12 sessions, but over a television set and another group of babies who had just audio exposure and looked at a teddy bear on the screen. What did we do to their brains? What you see here is the audio result - no learning whatsoever - and the video result - no learning whatsoever. It takes a human being for babies to take their statistics. The social brain is controlling when the babies are taking their statistics. We want to get inside the brain and see this thing happening as babies are in front of televisions, as opposed to in front of human beings.
Thankfully, we have a new machine, a magnetoencephalography, which allows us to do this. It looks like a hair dryer from Mars (picture). But it's completely safe, completely non-invasive and silent. We're looking at millimeter accuracy with regard to spatial and millisecond accuracy using 306 SQUIDs - these are Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices - to pick up the magnetic fields that change as we do our thinking. We're the first in the world to record babies in an MEG machine while they are learning. So this is little Emma. She is six months old. And she's listening to various languages in the earphones that are in her ears. You can see, she can move around. We're tracking her head with little pellets in a cap, so she's free to move completely unconstrained. It's a technical tour de force. What are we seeing? We're seeing the baby brain. As the baby hears a word in her language the auditory areas light up, and then subsequently areas surrounding it that we think are related to coherence, getting the brain coordinated with its different areas, and causality, one brain area causing another to activate. We are embarking on a grand and golden age of knowledge about child's brain development. We're going to be able to see a child's brain as they experience an emotion, as they learn to speak and read, as they solve a math problem, as they have an idea. And we're going to be able to invent brain-based interventions for children who have difficulty learning. Just as the poets and writers described, we're going to be able to see, I think, that wondrous openness, utter and complete openness, of the mind of a child. In investigating the child's brain, we're going to uncover deep truths about what it means to be human, and in the process, we may be able to help keep our own minds open to learning for our entire lives.”

Spekers are a significant conditioning in biology because of their operative from and through body experience, particularly drive and erogenous zones.
[11] Erogenous zones’ function is important, as well as skin and muscles’ function. Neurobiology investigates the functions and annex of the Nervous System and the Central Nervous System and their non absolute connection with phylogeny. Recognised Argentinian neuroscientist, Dr RobertoRosler, asked himself the following question: How do humans, who have a Paleolithic brain, think in the today world?”[12].
This question raises the matter of the dialog between phylogeny and ontogeny on anthropomorphism. I start by claiming Freud´s structural theory and it’s three components: Unconscious mind, Preconscious mind and Conscious mind. None of them can be located in a specific area of the brain. They take place due to specific connections and different memories, according to the temporal logic of the Unconscious mind (Moment of stare, time to understand, and conclusion and consequentially, action). They take turns in the search for a response to demdans from others and/or the real, according to emerging desires of how it’s Øther works.
Omissions can be caused by repression but also by biological causes, such long term addictions, brain damage, Alzheimer, etc. The main difference between the human being and other living organisms is the ability to create. This is a consequence of the ability to speak. Other animals may mimic speech or learn some words, but not nearly as much as humans can speak. Humans have had to resolve whatever obstacles came in our way. In order to create, we have to turn memories and difficulties into a “thought producing machine”, metaphor elaborated by English author Wilfred Bion.  He says “Inside that machine, signifying constellations and the central nervous system are combined with all their connections.
[13] I call this machine Factory Bridge[14].This wasn’t a deliberate change. I meant to make a metaphor of something Bion couldn’t. Maybe because of the time he made his most important work, which is the 1950s and 1960s. At that same time, Lacan was working on the structure and function of language and signifier. In the fields of neurobiology and quantum physics, findings about neuronal nets and dynamics were taking place. During the 60s and 70s, there were studies about the existence and operation of elementary particles known as atoms and all their components: protons, neutrons and electrons.

Earlier, Unconscious mind, Culture, scientific development and artistic production could only be thought of separately. Today it is easier for us to presume where and how the “mental salad” leads to “Speaking beings having only one main difference between them and other species: we intricately create. We speak, so that we are not easily crushed by the real and the Imaginary symbolic, and their deficits. These creations pass through Factory Bridges and they also are produced in them. These bridges are for traffic and fabrication. At the points of arrival between the Real and Culture, we create. It takes place in and from elementary particles, the Central Nervous System and the body in general.
If we draw upon Lacan’s Borromean Knot, we might find out why it is so important for psychotherapists to learn neurobiology, its chemistry and it’s quantum mechanic, even though we might not become neurobiologists.

During therapy, we as therapists highlight the different appearances in which the other might show up as object of desire (or parts of it). The Borromean Knot topologically displays object a, caught between its three inscriptions registry. Our hope is that by confronting the patient with reals produced by their symptoms, or perceived as distress and lack of (castration), we produce the maximum difference possible in their objet to be at that particular moment, for it to become a singular $ubject .

The gestation movement of a person with qualities to come into social discourse, social bond and become subject, is intervened by the molecules of the corresponding cells and their RNA and components.
Consequently, “the zoo”
[15] of elementary particles (atoms and its components), comes together, fragments, falls apart and moves. They could only be stable at extremely low temperatures, which do not exist on this planet. In each movement, variations are produced in the component of cells, including neurons. This has consequences in the bodies and minds of people.
This summary might help you understand why do I use what I know about neurobiology and quantum physics in order to cure my patients.

Scientist as Scientist location in the knot
It is impossible to symbolize because it is known. Scientist desire is to investigate in order to foresee as much as they can.
A preponderant element in Erwin Schrödinger
[16] was his passionate attempt to make connections between elements of quantum mechanics and biology, during 1944.

¿What have we learned so far?
Our drives (source of libidinal energy), are charged. They release and receive electrons. The most studied drives are sight and its Photons – mostly lighting waves, but sometimes lighting particles too. In second place, we have Phonons, with sound characteristics.
Photons, which transmit light, allow us to see, which plays a key role in social bonding, love, hate and conflict. You only have to compare the effect of seeing a young man or woman, and then seeing the same person twenty years later. Something similar happens with voices. The written signifiers operate on us and from us, through Photons. The spoken signifiers operate on us and from us through Phonons.
Through which elementary particles are the ones which carry other drives, such as taste, touch or smell? How do we call the elementary particles related to taste and lingual papillaes? How do they work? Same question regarding smell, and the peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system. We have similar doubts regarding the sensibility of skin and sexual organs. It seems evident that the answer would be related to their relationship with vibration. Weather its a gentle touch or a kiss, or by smacking, which could go as far as boxers and torturers. Vibrations by themselves are not elementary particles or elementary waves, but they are physical phenomena and they operate on elementary particles, particularly on groups of electrons. Something similar happens with temperatures.
We can conclude that elementary particles are the material support for sexuality. 1.1) Because it supports human biology and neurobiology as a whole. 1.2) Because Photons and Phonons are essential for the production and transmission of written and spoken signifiers. They are also essential for the production and transmission of visual and hearing images. 1.3) Because differences in vibrations and temperature, affect the organization of the elementary particles involved. They produce different effects, reactions and functions in every different person: lust, love, hate, indifference, among others.
Schrödinger wrote some paragraphs that helped me pick out this convictions. I quote from Quantum theory. Discrete States, quantum leaps “The greatest breakthrough in quantic theory was the discovery of discrete (non continuous)  states in the book of Nature, where everything that wasn’t continuity looked irrational, according to the points of view of the time. (…) In small scale systems, most of those characteristics (or similar ones, we can’t be certain) change all the time, producing continuity. They are “quantized”, just like energy. The result: when an amount of atomic nuclei, including electrons, come near others and form a “system”, they are incapable of assuming any arbitrary configuration imaginable. Their own nature allows them a limited series of “states” to choose from. We call those states levels or energy levels. In spite of this, we should consider that a full description must include other matters besides energy. It is virtually correct to imagine a state as a determined configuration of all corpuscles.
The transition from one of those configurations to another is what we call a quantum movement.
When the second configuration has a bigger amount of energy (“is one level higher”), the system must receive at least the difference between those levels of energy from the outside in order to make the transition possible. That change can be spontaneously made when it is one level too low by spending the remaining energy in the form of radiation.

Among the discrete group of states of a given atom selection may exist, although not necessarily, a lower level to all of them. This implies a narrow approach of the nuclei from one another. In this state, atoms form up a molecule.
Molecule stability depends on temperature.
Suppose our atom state is in its lower state of energy. A physicist would call this temperature absolute zero. In order to raise it to the state or level immediately above we need a defined energy input. The easiest way to do so is to “heat up” the molecule. It can be placed in a hotter environment (thermal bath), allowing other molecules to strike. (…) the average time of wait until the ascent is completed is called “time of expectation”. The time of expectation depends largely of the division between 1) the amount of energy necessary for the ascent and 2) the intensity of caloric movement.
[17] (…) the probability of gathering the required, as small as it may be, comes back with each vibration[18]

First correction
By presenting this ideas as a theory on molecule stability, we are tacitly admitting that the quantum jump we call “ascent” leads to a completely different configuration of the same atoms and in some cases to its complete disintegration. In the first case, it leads to an isomeric molecule, this is a molecule made up by the same atoms, but with a different distribution (applied to biology, this would represent a different allele [19] in the same locus and the quantum jump would mean a mutation).(…) Consequently, the crashing of particles during the “thermal bath” might be enough to  trigger vibrations at a relatively low temperature[20]. If a molecule is an extensive structure, we can imagine those vibrations being like high frequency sound waves that pass through the molecule, without altering it.[21] (…) The grater the molecule, more isomeric alternatives are offered. (…) Now we can move forward with the “second correction”. These kind of isomeric transitions are the only ones that concern us for biological purposes.[22](…) The transitions where there is no threshold interposed between the initial and final states lack of interest and not only for biological purposes. In fact, they have nothing to contribute to the chemical stability of the molecule. Why? Because its effect is not lasting and they go unnoticed. After they take place, they are followed almost immediately by a return to the initial state, since nothing prevents kickback. "

I synthesize the logic of these reflections for practice.
Quantum mechanics
specifically investigates the specialty of physics regarding the molecules and their components. Psychoanalyst cannot and should not, unless there is a variation in our vocation, include ourselves in this field. What we can do is use some of the discoveries made and ask for advice from quantic physicist in order to develop our work with groups of people and the differences between each one of their subjects.  Also to deduce how that occurs in each case, in the particular groups the person is involved in[23].
The difference, so graciously exemplified by Alberto Rojo in his book Borges y la Física Cuántica)[24], is not in the amount of molecules but in its distribution, which can vary according to different events. Among them we can find:
- Differences in what one might see carried by Photons emitted and received. Weather it is in personal direct interaction or produced by theater, TV, photography, movies, drawings, paintings or any other means of image, including manuscripts and printings.
- Differences in what one might hear carried by Phonons, such as voices and other instruments: rhythm, volume, tones and resonances.
- Differences in what one smells, tastes, touches (stroking, licking, pinching, hitting, heat)
All of these move and reorganize atoms, and consequently, molecules. This affects the ways in which signifiers are transmitted, which are physically constituted by molecules and variations. Those are the differences in which lay the variants of social relationship. When teenagers use the expression “buena onda” (the expression means “cool” but the literal translation would be “good wave”) and “Buena vibra” (the expression means “good vibe”), they use a slang with similarities to quantum mechanics expressions.

What may be helpful to us
These discoveries in Quantum Mechanics help us give an equivalent value to a statement (silence is a form of statement), to the spoken word, color change in the face, temperature change and body acts. That’s how human’s sexual relations and other means of social relationship are felt. Quantum Mechanics gives us some kind of evidence in order to make a face to face analysis, instead of using the divan (couch) except for some singular cases that in order to star transference and analysis they need not to see the therapist face.

Touch, pressure, heat, cold.
Through touch, the body perceives substances and objects. Humans have specialized nervous terminations located on the skin. They are called touch receptors and there are many types. They are stimulated by a mechanic deformation of the skin and they transport sensations to the brain through nervous fibers.
Receptors are found in the epidermis and they are distributed throughout the body in different concentration, so there are areas which are more sensitive to the touch than others. There is a particular type of receptor in which terminations make microscopic nodules or terminal bulbs. One kind of these receptors is the Paccini corpuscles, which are sensitive to pressure. Touch is the least specialized of all five senses, but it can be developed when exercised.

Sense of taste works by contact of soluble substances with the surface of the tongue. A number of tastes can be perceived as a result of the combination of several stimuli, such as appearance, texture, temperature, smell and taste. Each taste is detected by a particular kind of lingual papillae. Humans have around 10.000 papillae that are unequally distributed on the surface of the tongue. They group in areas. Foods components are dissolved in the mouth and they penetrate papillae though pores in the surface of the tongue, where they make contact with sensory cells. When a receptor is stimulated by one of these substances, it sends nervous impulses to the brain. The frequency in which the impulses are repeated indicates the intensity of the flavor. Therefore, when we tell someone they’re sweet, sour, bitter or acid, we’re making metaphors about sensations we perceive on the tongue.

The nose, which is equipped with olfactory nerves, is the main smell organ. Olfactory nerves are also important to differentiate taste in substances that go through the mouth. Some sensations that are initially perceived as taste are a result of smell.
[25] Some studies indicate the existence of seven primary smells: camphor, musk, flower, mint, ether, acrid (vinegary) and rotten. These correspond to seven kinds of receptors, located in the cells of olfactory mucosa. Investigations suggest that substances that smell alike, share the same kind of molecules. It is also thought that the shape of molecules responsible for smell determine the nature of their smell. It is believed that these molecules are combined with specific nose cells or with chemical components inside those cells. Reception of smell is the first step of a process that continues with the transmission of this impulse through the olfactory nerve and ends with the brain perceiving the smell.[26] Having said that, we should always remember that the value given to any perception is also determined by scenes, both traumatic and happy, either remembered or forgotten, that act from unconsciousness.

End. For the time being?
If we summarise, we are close to solving the question about Factory Bridges. They are found and they work in the drive material base of what we see, we allow other to see, what we listen, what we allow others to listen, what we smell, we allow other to smell and what we taste, we allow other to taste. In intercourse, fondling, punching, spanking, kissing, felatios, biting, anything can be signifier. The material base is formed by groups of molecules which are constituted by singular atomic organizations. In humans, these groups vary according to temporal logics, which timing is determined by any circumstance in the social relationship particular modality. Taking into account all of the above, we can understand the function and value of the collaboration between different disciplines on the objective of psychic treatment. In each particular case, when needed, I look for psychiatrists, body therapists, groups, musicians and other kinds of artist, personal trainers and teachers.
To sum up, once the direction of the patient’s wishes are understood, it is important to encourage activities that stimulate the development of the patient’s subjectivity.  

Factory Bridges are structured by molecular capital – qbits-  and by each personal libidinal work, in each particular circumstance. That means they are structured by the layout and distribution of elementary particles based on what that speaker  is called to do: to create,  to produce acts and to produce signifiers.

Sergio Rodríguez                                               3 de mayo del 2014

[1] As far as I know (and I will try to prove it), atoms and their components.
[2] Neologism invented by Lacan to indicate singularities in how each speaker speaks it language.
[3] Samallest unit of quantum information 


[4] Bold type by me –SR-
[5] Everything between brackets are obserbations I made aobout the article
[6] See Cruces entre Psicoanálisis y Neurobiología I, written byr Laura Lueiro.
Summarising Wikipedia: DNS units are responsable for cell’s structural  and methabolic characteristics and also for characteristics transmission from one cell to another.
[7] Microtubules are very important in a number of cellular processes. They are involved in maintaining the structure of the cell and, together with microfilaments and intermediate filaments, they form the cytoskeleton. They also make up the internal structure of cilia and flagella. They provide platforms for intracellular transport and are involved in a variety of cellular processes, including the movement of secretory vesicles, organelles, and intracellular substances They are also involved in cell division (mitosis and meiosis), including the formation of mitotic spindles, which are used to pull apart eukaryotic chromosomes. (Wikipedia) Microtubules

Tubulin’s alpha subunita, microtubules component.


A kinesine attached to a microtubule
·         Cargado por Moez
·         Uploaded April th 3rd, 2006

[8] proto-. Prefix meaning “first”

[9]I insist. Bold type is exclusively my choice.

[10] Moebius irbbon chane. They entail retrosignification.
[11] This was  Freud’s proposal. Lacan didn’t agree. I do.
[12] See Cruces entre Psicoanálisis y Neurobiología II, which is now being edited in Lugar Editorial
[13] From: Mi exposición en el panel de Cruces… 26 –VII - 2013
[14] Puentes Factorías entre Cultura y Sistema Nervioso Central. Sergio Rodríguez
[15] Gerard’T Hooft PARTÍCULAS ELEMENTALES En Busca de las estructuras más pequeñas del  universo. Página 39
[16] One of quantum physic’s mos forward thinkers. He died in 1944, before it the breakthroughs of the 1970s.  .
[17] Comment by Sergio Rodriguez: when argentinians methaphorize about heating up, the preliminar pleasures of sex, we are not so distant from quantum mecanics. .
[18] Page 84
[19] (Fun fact by Sergio Rodriguez. Let’s remind the comparison made by Alberto Rojo in his book  Borges y la Física Cuántica, between a truck full of sand with equal weight to Britney Spear’s)
multicellular organisms have two sets of chromosomes; that is, they are diploid. These chromosomes are referred to as homologous chromosomes. Diploid organisms have one copy of each gene (and, therefore, one allele) on each chromosome. If both alleles are the same, they and the organism are homozygous with respect to that gene. If the alleles are different, they and the organism are heterozygous with respect to that gene.
The word "allele" is a short form of allelomorph ("other form"), which was used in the early days of 
genetics to describe variant forms of a gene detected as different phenotypes. It derives from the Greek prefixἀλλήλ, allel, meaning "reciprocal" or "each other", which itself is related to the Greek adjective ἄλλος (allos; cognate with Latin "alius"), meaning "other".
In many cases, genotypic interactions between the two alleles at a locus can be described as dominant or recessive, according to which of the two homozygous phenotypes the heterozygote most resembles. Where the heterozygote is indistinguishable from one of the homozygotes, the allele involved is said to be dominant to the other, which is said to be recessive to the former.[3] The degree and pattern of dominance varies among loci. This type of interaction was first formally described by Gregor Mendel. However, many traits defy this simple categorization and the phenotypes are modeled by co-dominance and polygenic inheritance.- Wikipedia-
[20] Sergio Rodriguez:Teenagers use the expression “buena onda” (the expression means “cool” but the literal translation would be “good wave”) and “Buena vibra” (the expression means “good vibe”) Would the know something about quantum mechanics?
[21] Sound waves transmitted by Phonons.
[22] Pages 87 y 88
[23] See Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego  by  de Sigmund Freud
[24] Borges and Quantum Physics “The secret is that all elements are made of atoms, and those atoms are made of three microscopic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. The difference between Britney Spears and a truck full of sang with the same weight is the way in which those particles are distributed. The substance is in the order of that microscopic Rasti that only contains three kinds of pieces, with different electric charge. Protons are positive. Neutrons do not have charge in the nuclei and they orbit around negative electrons.
[25] Recordemos que las neuronas olfativas son las que más se renuevan. Ver Cruces entre Psicoanálisis y Neurobiología.
[26] Extracción resumida de un trabajo de españoles, lamentablemente no nombrados, aparecido en Internet. Traté de comunicarme con su página web pero no lo logré. No obstante lo cual y teniendo en cuenta lo aprendido con los doctores Fernando Alvarez, Gabriel Brarda y Roberto Rosler, lo considero pertinente.

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